Specializing in Equipment & Party Rentals in Amarillo and West Texas

Local: (806) 373-8326   Out of Area: (800) 658-6055
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Product 2
Daily Weekly
Where to rent HEAT --  Electric     Baseboard in Amarillo TX
$10.00 $25.00
Where to rent HEAT - ELEC ceramic on Pole....  15amp.. in Amarillo TX
$19.00 $57.00
Where to rent HEAT - ELEC infrared on Pole.... 15amp in Amarillo TX
$22.00 $60.00
Where to rent HEAT --ELECTRIC little milkhouse small in Amarillo TX
$5.00 $15.00
$10.00 $30.00
Where to rent HEATER 100,000 BTU -  RADIANT in Amarillo TX
$12.00 $44.00
Where to rent HEATER 150,000 BTU - force air electric in Amarillo TX
$20.00 $60.00
Where to rent HEATER 155,000 BTU - forced air electric in Amarillo TX
$20.00 $60.00
Where to rent HEATER 170,000 BTU - forced air electric in Amarillo TX
$20.00 $60.00
$35.00 $140.00
$25.00 $100.00
$35.00 $140.00
$40.00 $150.00
Where to rent HEATER KERO 110,000 BTU - electric in Amarillo TX
$22.00 $88.00
Where to rent HEATER KERO 150,000 BTU - electric in Amarillo TX
$28.00 $110.00
Where to rent PATIO PROP   24 BTU -- TOP - BLACK in Amarillo TX
$22.00 $66.00
Where to rent PATIO PROP   40BTU   COLLAPSIBLE in Amarillo TX
$30.00 $90.00
Where to rent PATIO PROP  40BTU -   SILVER TOP in Amarillo TX
$22.00 $66.00
$35.00 $95.00

* Prices are subject to change. Sales tax and other fees are not shown in this price estimate.

* Please call us with any questions about our heater* rentals in Amarillo, Dalhart, Canyon, Pandhandle and Fritch, TX as well as the Texas and Oklahoma Panhandles.

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